Paradigm shift: Somali Women’s Leadership in Reconciliation

Genuine reconciliation is in dire need in Somalia as a post-conflict society. SGEM held its first Somalia Tweet Chat on a Paradigm Shift: Somali Women’s Leadership in Reconciliation. SGEM brought together 13 dynamic tweet chat panelists including experts, practitioners of different fields, researchers, and activists.

The Panelists shared some of the reasons a comprehensive reconciliation is more elusive in Somalia, and the leadership role Somali women can take in genuine reconciliation. They further discussed some traditional and homegrown reconciliation mechanisms that will help Somalis in their journey to reconciliation. Furthermore, Panelists also highlighted ways to integrate all the fragmented efforts at the grassroots level and make them more coherent, strategic, and impactful.

The panelist also highlighted how Somali women and society as a whole can heal from past traumatic experiences and some strategies that helped the panelists in their healing journey. It concluded with some gendered perspectives Somali women can bring to bear in the broader Somali reconciliation agenda.

Hashtags: #HeshiisDhabAh #SherosForPeace #CollectiveHealing #ParadigmShift

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