Complexities around Ratifying Somalia’s Constitution: Cutting through the Rhetoric


The fourth forum entitled Complexities around Ratifying Somalia’s Constitution: Cutting through the Rhetoric was held on June 27,  2021. Panelists were asked to discuss and reflect on issues and challenges surrounding the Somalia Provisional Constitution, and provide their perspectives on why it has yet to be ratified.

The Panelists further analyzed the impediments to a clear and inclusive constitutional review process given there is a parliamentary committee, National Independent Constitution Review Commission, Federal Ministry of Constitution, and state-level ministries involved in the review process as well as some of the social and political barriers to the completion of the Somali Constitution.  Panelists also addressed ways to get a Somali-owned constitutional process, whether it is realistic and achievable to complete the constitutional review process by June 2022, and how inclusive constitutional ratification be carried out in the absence of Somaliland, even if all the contentious issues are agreed upon. The Forum concluded with the way forward for an inclusive, transparent, and gender-sensitive constitutional review process, followed by comments, and questions from participants.

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