Collective & Communal Healing Centered Reconciliation


As part of its peacebuilding, reconciliation, and conflict resolution program, SGEM held Somalia Tweet Chat on Collective & Communal Healing Centered Reconciliation in Somalia with a panel of experts including, Dr. Yusuf Sheikh Omar, Ph.D., Research Associate at SOAS University of London, Dr. Hodan S. Isse, Prof & Director of Center for Transitional Justice & Trauma Healing, Abukar Arman, Servant General of Baseerah Transformative Strategies, Dr. Sadia Ali Aden Medical Doctor, Writer & Humanitarian Activist, and Adam Matan, Consultant for the World Bank.

The Panelists shared the key issues surrounding reconciliation that need communal and collective healing in Somalia today, some indigenous and religious Somali collective healing practices, and the role Somali women can play. They also addressed the vision for the new administration “A Somalia at peace with itself and at peace with the world,” and how collective trauma healing and reconciliation can support the realization of this vision. Further discussions were involved in where communal and collective healing can start, whether genuine reconciliation and communal healing can take place without addressing the issues around commonly owned resources, and the first steps needed to be taken. The panelists concluded with some key recommendations in order to achieve collective and communal healing-centered reconciliation.

#HeshiisDhabAh                      #SherosForPeace                    #CollectiveHealing                     #ParadigmShift

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