Somalia and the Horn of Africa in general have been severely impacted by climate change. Somalia has been dealing with climate shocks including prolonged droughts, flooding during the rainy season, and locusts. These climate crises make women more vulnerable and the most impacted. The Federal Government of Somalia established the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change for the first in the history of the country.
SGEM’s Forum for Solutions explored The Gendered impact of Climate Change on the Lives of Somali Women on September 17, 2022, through its Forum for Solutions. Distinguished panelists including policymakers, practitioners, researchers, and longtime environmental activists discussed this topic thoroughly. The panelists included Adam Aw Hirsi, State Minister of the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Fatima Jama Jibrell, retired Environmental Activist, Kassim GabowDuale, Country Representative for the Nordic International Support Foundation, and Abdikani R. Barrow, Senior Environmental Advisor to the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change.
The Panelists reflected on the overall environmental shocks and the impact of these climate changes in Somalia, the existing and planned institutional plans and policies of the new Ministry of Environment and Climate Change to curb the environmental degradation in Somalia. They further explored the different consequences climate change has on different segments of the society, its impact on the lives of Somali women, and the ramifications of climate change on Somali women’s economic development and vulnerable groups in particular. The panel further discussed some of the ongoing governmental and not-for-profit organization initiatives and programs on combating the impact of climate change on the environment and the livelihood of women and the Somali people in Somalia. The panelists made recommendations on combating climate change and environmental degradation in Somalia. The forum concluded with questions, answers, and comments from participants.