Young Somali Women’s Access to Meaningful Employment: Barriers & Solutions

Somali Gender Equity Movement (SGEM) held its 🇸🇴 Somalia Tweet Chat on a topic relating to the pervasive unemployment issue facing young women in Somalia entitled ‘Young Somali Women’s Access to Meaningful Employment: Barriers & Solutions’ which took place on September 30, 2023. SGEM invited a diverse panel of practitioners, policy makers, and researchers […]
Security Development Nexus: Prospective for Stability, Peace & Sustainable Development

Somalia is currently engaged in an offensive war with al-Shabaab. Somalia’s president, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud (HSM) elected in 2022, vowed to defeat the al-Shabab terrorist group after his election. Under the Administration of president HSM, the Federal Government of Somalia’s (FGS) security sector and community members known as Ma’awisley who uprose and took arms […]
Collective & Communal Healing Centered Reconciliation

As part of its peacebuilding, reconciliation, and conflict resolution program, SGEM held Somalia Tweet Chat on Collective & Communal Healing Centered Reconciliation in Somalia with a panel of experts including, Dr. Yusuf Sheikh Omar, Ph.D., Research Associate at SOAS University of London, Dr. Hodan S. Isse, Prof & Director of Center for Transitional Justice […]
The Complexities Surrounding Somalia’s Security Architecture

This Somalia Tweet Chat was a timely Tweet Chat discussion for a time that a lot of controversies were surrounding the security sector. the state of accountability for Somalia’s security institutions was described, as well as the key impediments to Somalia’s National Security Architecture. It further highlighted the major security gaps in Somalia’s Transition Plan, […]
Somali Women As Persistent Powerbrokers in the upcoming parliamentary & Presidential Electoral Process

This Tweet Chat addressed the overall challenges and opportunities for the upcoming indirect election in 2021-2022, the importance of having Somali women’s quota, and why women’s representation in the Somali parliament matters. It also analyzes whether this electoral process will lead to an increased or decreased representation for women considering the prospects of women. In […]
The Nexus Between Somalia’s Provisional Constitution and the Reoccurring Political Gridlock

This Tweet Chat explored the impact the current Provisional Constitution has had on Somalia’s political processes, and its positive or negative impacts on Somalia’s current political gridlocks, as well as how the absence of constitutional court in the country contributes to the reoccurring political disagreements among the leaders. It also stressed how the current form […]
Paradigm shift: Somali Women’s Leadership in Reconciliation

Genuine reconciliation is in dire need in Somalia as a post-conflict society. SGEM held its first Somalia Tweet Chat on a Paradigm Shift: Somali Women’s Leadership in Reconciliation. SGEM brought together 13 dynamic tweet chat panelists including experts, practitioners of different fields, researchers, and activists. The Panelists shared some of the reasons a comprehensive reconciliation […]