Forum For Solutions

Forum For Solutions

SGEM’s Forum for solutions is a platform to discuss and critically analyze topics and issues impacting Somali society, particularly women. These Forums are designed to add to the discourse of gender equity and women’s rights, peace, reconciliation and conflict resolution and other major issues impacting women and the whole society. They provide platforms for public education and awareness raising on critical issues.

The Forum for solutions’ panelists include subject matter experts, academicians, researchers and practitioners who are invited to discuss topics, point out challenges and identify context specific solutions and relevant recommendations.

SGEM’s Forums are held virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions. The events are also streamed live on Facebook where hundreds of people watch. Interested parties have opportunities to watch Forum YouTube videos shared on SGEM’s social media platforms where they are available for the public after the event. The findings from SGEM’s Forums have the potential to directly inform leaders, policymakers, and researchers, and through SGEM’s reports and various documents.

SGEM Forums